The portrait concerts "Master to Student" of the project “Music Nights in the Museum"

Assembly hall

On June 14, at 19:00, the next portrait-concert of the “Music Nights in the Museum", a joint project of the Baku Contemporary Music Society and the Museum Center, will be held in the Museum Center.

The soloist of this concert titled "Master to Student" is Raul Huseynov, the 4th year student of guitar teacher of ADMIU Elmar Sultanov. In addition to foreign composers, Faraj Garayev, Firangiz Alizadeh, Rahila Hasanova, Aliya Mammadova, Turkar Gasimzada and Ayaz Gambarli's works for guitar will be performed at the concert.

Admission to the concert in the Museum Center (3rd floor, Assembly hall) is free.