Personal exhibition of Margaret Kerimova-Sokolova «Carnival Venice»


Margaret Kerimova-Sokolova was born and grew in Baku. Great-grandchild of famous artist Sokolova I.I., apparently, inheriting his genes, practically from the first steps proved that came in an art seriously and for a long time. She got artistic education in Krasnodar University, worked on probation in Moscow Academy of Arts, member of Union of Artists of Azerbaijan and USSR.

The personal exhibitions and wide biography of creative searches are Azerbaijan, Algeria, America, Russia and Europe – allowed to crystallize her knowable author style. Universality and unfar-fetchedness of subjects, extraordinarily perceptible, expressive execution, is incident to her manner. Combination of classic European school, east warmth, and unchanging success of its works is partly explained to bright individuality with critics and audience. Her pictures are purchased in private collections, art galleries and museums of many countries of the world.

She is various (works as oil, water-colour and dry pastel) and many-sided: Margaret – she and the restrained passion, dynamic quality of womanish appearances. and quiet, meditation contemplativeness of «parks» (vegetable series). and colourful enchanting spectacle of the Venetian carnival.

Azerbaijan and Germany are two countries, giving a present by it wings – remain the inexhaustible source of inspiration. Its originality is determined by cities, becomings for an artist native – Baku and Cologne.

In 2006 Margaret gets on the Venetian carnival, and it strikes her by the beauty, inscrutability, polisemanticy. There is a great number of ideas, one of which – to write masks. . Here, on a second some characters took masks from the persons. and, possibly, friends and near artists know itself in them. The real exhibition is the first part of the planned series.

An exhibition was organized by Museum Center at an assistance the department of fine art of Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Union of artists of Azerbaijan. Opening of exhibition took place on July, 6, 2007 in Art Gallery of Museum Center of city Baku.