Museum Gift Shop
The museum gift-shop is located in the lobby of the Museum Centre. Guests and visitors to the museum are offered a wide assortment of souvenirs, such as:
- guide books to Azerbaijan and Baku,
- CDs and DVDs about the history of Azerbaijani culture,
- Colourful catalogues of the collections of the Art Gallery of the Museum Centre and catalogues of famous Azerbaijani artists,
- Tourist maps and plans of Baku and Azerbaijan,
- Books about Baku and Azerbaijan,
- Books for children,
- Magazines (about the history and arts of Azerbaijan), newspapers and periodicals,
- Magnets, key rings and other souvenirs,
- Postcards with images of Baku, Azerbaijan and works from the collection of the Art Gallery of the Museum Centre,
- Photo albums of Baku and Azerbaijan
Other than these facilities, it is the right place to get information about the museums, theatres, concert halls and galleries in Baku and the regions of Azerbaijan. Near the museum gift shop there is an information bureau which offers complete information about the activity of the Museum Centre over the last three years.